General Regulations

Everything there is to know about APCSTQ

1. Corporate name

« Association professionnelle des chargés de sécurité transfusionnelle du Québec or APCSTQ ». In the regulations that follows, the word «Associatation» designate « Association professionnelle des chargés de sécurité transfusionnelle du Québec. »

2. Head office

The head office of the association is established as the address of the person who occupies the role of presidency.

3. Goals

The goals and achievements of the Association are :

3.1 General goals

  • 3.1.1
    Official representation of all Transfusion Safety Officers of Quebec.
  • 3.1.2
    Represent and defend the interests of all members.
  • 3.1.3
    Promote the different roles of Transfusion Safety Officers.
  • 3.1.4
    Standardize and be up to date with the evolution of transfusion practice.
  • 3.1.5
    Indentify and organize activities corresponding with the members professional needs.
  • 3.1.6
    Promote continuing education of the members.
  • 3.1.7
    Facilitate the transmission of new knowledge and personal initiative both at a technical and clinical level with regard to safety and transfusion practice.
  • 3.1.8
    Plan and organize provincial meetings of Transfusion Safety Officers.

3.2 Specifics goals

  • 3.2.1 Training
    Training and continuing improvement remain a priority for the association. The APCSTQ itself or in collaboration with the Biovigilance and Medical Biology Service / Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) and other organizations plan training activities that meet the interests of Transfusion Safety Officers who are members of the Association.
  • 3.2.2 Information
    One of the Association’s priorities is to inform its members about the debates it is leading. The Association must favor the exchanges between clinical and technical officers. Futhermore, to valide or guide its actions, the Association conducts surveys among its members on subjects that can rise concern.
  • 3.2.3 Link
    The Association represents the official link between the Biovigilance and Medical Biology Service / MSSS and the CCNMT. It provides a link with other organizations such as the hemovigilance committee, the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), Héma-Québec and its own committee for users of blood banks, the Canadian Society of Medicine Transfusion (CSTM) or other similar institutions. In addition, it provides an international link with the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) and the International Society Blood Transfusion (ISBT), optional.
  • 3.2.4 Committee
    The Association participates in the creation of all committees or sub-committees in connection with the biovigilance and medical biology service / MSSS or any other institute. It is also responsible for the nomination of its members. In addition, the board of administrators may entrust studies to committees. It will also determine their composition and operating rules (ref. Appendix 1). The board will presents a report of this study at a regular provincial assembly, or at an annual general assembly.
  • 3.2.5 Work relationship
    The Association represents all members at the provincial level in the entire process of consultation and improvement of the working conditions of Transfusion Safety Officers. The Association can be the official spokesperson for the Biovigilance and Medical Biology Service, the union that represents transfusion safety officers and the Ministry of Health and Social Services.

4. Member categories

There is two categories of members: active members and honorary members.

5. Active member

Every health professional of Quebec (medical technologist or nurse) exercising roles or functions as a Transfusion Safety Officer in a health institution. The active member must :

  • Accept to work freely toward the gorals of the Association.
  • Agree to bring and provide their skills and knowledge.
  • Be a good standing member (annual contribution paid).
  • Satisfy any other condition that may be decreed by the board of administrator, by regulation.

6. Honorary member

The honorary member must be a member of the Association for at least five years. The honorary member are considered to be in good standing on a permanent basis and exempt from paying their annual membership fee.

7. Annual fee

  • The annual contribution is mainly the source of the Association’s funding.
  • The amount of contribution for the incoming year is determined during the annual general assembly. Contribution will be made in one single payment no later than the spring’s annuel general assembly. A renewal notice will be attached to the annual general meeting announcement.
  • Payment can be made by check in the name of Association Professionnelle des chargés de sécurité transfusionnelle du Québec and addressed to the person currently holding the role of presidency. Anyone that wishes to register after June 1st must pay the full amount of the membership contribution, regardless of the number of days remaining until the next annual payment.
  • Members in good standing have the right to demand the respect of the consitution and bylaws, as well as to claim all the benefits and services offered.

8. Member card

The board of administrators will issue members with only one membership card upon registering the Association, thereby proving their membership annual fee has been paid. An offical receipt will be transmitted annually by the Association.

9. Suspension or expulsion

  • The board of administrators have the authority to suspend or expel any members who fails to pay their annual membership fee, who breaks the rules or who behaves contrary to the objectives of the Association.
  • Before proceeding with the suspension or expulsion of a member, the board of administrators must give that member the opportunity to be heard and let them know when their case will be considered.

10. Assemblies

  • The board of administrators designates the time and place of regular provincial assemblies as well as the annual general assembly.  The meeting is conducted by the members of the board of administrators. They also determine the time allocated for each matter on the agenda. Only members in good standing can attend the various assemblies of Transfusion Safety Officers.
  • If necessary, an extraordinary assembly may be called by the board of administrators, who will be choosing the time, day and place. However, 10 active members can request the board of administrators to call an extraordinary meeting. They need to justify their request. The secretary is then required to convene an assembly at the time, day and place agreed upon by the groupe of 10 members. They must allow a 10 days notice to the board of administrators for this meeting. The board of administrators will proceed by motion while the group of 10 members (or more) must produce a written request, signed by all 10 members (or more). The meeting notice must state the goal(s) of that assembly.

11. Agenda

The agenda must be limited to the subjects mentioned in the notice of meeting. Any subject added at the start of the meeting will be voted on by the members of the assembly. Every annual general assembly agenda must contain at least the following subjects:

  • Aproval of reports and verbal transcripts of the previous assembly.
  • Approval of financial statements.
  • Approval of the regulations (new and amended) adopted by the board of administrators since the last annual general assembly.
  • Election or re-election of the board of administrators members.

12. Quorum

Quorum during assemblies is established at 50% plus one of active members in good standing.

13. Vote

  • At a members assembly, present active members are entitled to one vote each. Proxy voting is prohibited. In the event of a tie, the member with the role of presidency has a casting vote. 
  • Voting is made by show of hands, unless 3 present members request a secret ballot.
  • When the president of the assembly declares that a resolution has been adopted unanimously by a determined majority or rejected, it is considered as an adoption or a rejection of this resolution without it being necessary to establish a number or a proportion of the votes cast.
  • In the event of vote by secret ballot, the president of the assembly must appoint 2 members among the active members present to ditribute and collect the ballots, compile the result of the vote and finally communicate it to the president. 
  • Unless otherwise provided in the by-laws or in the present regulations, every proposition submitted to the assembly of members will be adopted by a majority of the votes cast (50% plus one active member).

14. Number of administrators

The board of administrators has five members elected by the assembly members and confirmed by the Association’s annual general assembly.

15. Eligibility

Every active member can be elected as part of the board of administrators.

16. Term of office

  • The term of office of the members of the board of administrators is two years. However, even after two years, they remain in office until they are replaced or officially re-elected. If an election occurs during the term of office, those previously elected remin in office until the end of their term of the vacant position.
  • To ensure a good continuity and to maintain a good balance with the possible addition of new members of the board, the elecotral process is carried out as follows:
    • Odd-numbered years, election of 2 directors
    • Even years, election of 3 directors.

17. Election

  • Every year, at the annual general assembly of members or at an extraordinary assembly, members of the board of administrators are elected.
  • The application of an active member for a position on the board of administrators must have be proposed by an active member and seconded by a another active member.
  • If a vancacy occurs during a mandate, the other members of the board of administrators may choose another administrator among the active members in good standing of the Association to fill this vacancy for the remainder of the term or until the next election.

18. Nomination

During the session following the election, at the end of the annual general assembly, the new board will reunite to nominate a president, a vice president, a director, a secretary and a treasurer. If more then one member solicits the position of president, vice president, director, secretary or treasurer, a simple and secret ballot must be done. The elected president will then inform of the appointments to the board of administrators and their respective function to all members of the Association within 10 days.

19. Administrators duties

The administrators are elected to administer all the affairs of the Association :

  • They perform all acts necessary to achieve the goals and achievements pursued by the Association in accordance with its by-laws and regulations.
  • They adopt new regulations or change them, if needed.
  • They adopt the resolutions that are necessary to achieve the different goals of the Association.
  • The also manage and take decisions regarding purchases, expenses, fees to be reimbursed to members appointed by the Association or members of the board of administrators, contracts as well as obligations undertaken by the Association.
  • They determine the member’s admission conditions.
  • They see to it that the regulations are applied and the resolutions carried out.
  • They produce the annual report of the Association and present it to the members’ assembly

20. Meeting of the board of administrators

  • The board of administrators must hold every meeting necessary to ensure the smooth running of the Association.
  • The president, in consultation with the other members of the board, fixes the date of the meetings and then proceed with the convocation. If all members of the board are present and agree to it, they can order a formal meeting, meaning the notice of a meeting is not necessary.
  • If the president neglects that duty, the majority of the members of the board may, on a written request to the secretary, order a meeting of the board of administrators and fix the date, time and place as well as establish the agenda.

21. Agenda

The agenda must to be limited to the subjects mentioned in the meeting’s notice. Every subject added at the start of the meeting will be submitted to a vote among all members of the board of administrators.

22. Quorum

There is a quorum if three-fifths of the members are present including at least the presence of either the president or the vice-president.

23. Vacancy

There is a vacancy on the board of administrators following:

  • The death or illness of one of its members.
  • The written resignation of one of its member.
  • The expulsion of a board member.
  • Three unjustified absences.

In the event of a vacancy, the board of administrators may exercise the functions of the vacant position as long as there is quorum.

24. President

The president of the Association chairs all meetings of the board of administrators and the assemblies of the members in addition to taking part of all study committees and services of the Association. He, or she, performs every function attributed by the board of administrators.

The president generally signs, with the appointed member of the board of administrators, the official documents which bind the Association. He, or she, is also in charge of public relations of all kinds. In case of prolonged absence of the president or the vice-president, members of the board will decide between themselves who will be in charge of the signatures.

25. Vice-president

The vice-president executes and assists the president in all the functions assigned by the board of administrators. He or she will replace the president during his (or her) absence and will exercise all the responsabilities of the president.

With the president, the vice-president signs the association’s contracts and commitment documents. In case of prolonged absence of the president or the vice-president, members of the board will decide between themselves who will be in charge of the signatures.

26. Secretary

The secretary writes all the verbal transcripts of member’s assembly and meetings of the board of administrators. He, or she, is in control of the archives, books of verbal transcripts, the register of members and administrators, sign all contracts, documents of engagements with the president. The secretary also drafts the required reports and all correspondence on behalf of the Association. Finally, the secretary fulfills all the other functions assigned by the Association’s regulations or the board of administrators. He, or she, is also in charge of producing the annual report of the Association’s activities.

27. Treasurer

The treasurer sees to the financial administration of the Association. He, or she, signs the checks and makes the required accounts payable payments on behalf of the Association. The treasurer takes care of the collecting the annual membership fee and making the payment. He, or she, makes all deposits on behalf of the Association and signs the financial statements. Finally, the treasurer performs all other functions assigned to him (or her) by the regulations or by the board of administrators.

28. Director

The director participates and ensures to the proper functioning of the board of administrators. He, or she, ensures the proper execution of the decisions made by the board of administrators. The director will fulfilled his (or her) functions entrusted by the board of administrators. He, or she, has the right to review and make recommendations on any committee or services of the Association. The director will report any anomalies noted at the annual general meeting of members.

29. Remuneration

Administrators are not remunerated for their services. However, if accommodation and transportation costs are incurred during activities within the framework of their duties, they will be reimbursed according to the ministerial policies in effect.

30. Financial affairs

The board of administrators of the Association determines the financial institution of the Association.

31. Financial exercise

  • The financial year of the Association begins each year on April 1st and ends on March 31st of the following year.
  • The Association’s books will be updated as soon as possible after the end of the fiscal year. The books of account can be consulted by any member in good standing who makes a written request to the treasurer.
  • The books and financial statements of the Association are audited each year by a member. This member is appointed for this purpose and is selected at the annual general assembly of the Association.

32. Amendments to finance regulations

  • The board of administrators can revoke or modify any disposition of the current regulations.
    • Any revocation or modification will be in effect until the next annual general meeting of members, unless approved by an extraordinary assembly of members.
    • If a revocation or a modification is not approved by a majority of votes during this annual general meeting, it will cease to be in effect as of that day only.
  • When it deems relevant, the board of administrator may borrow money on the credit of the Association by simple resolution. The resolution will be submitted to the members for approval at the next annual general meeting.
  • During assemblies, each member will have to pay for breakfast and coffee breaks. The Association will issue one receipt per member according to the frame scales and directives of the MSSS.
34. Logo’s description

It is the representation of a blood transfusion, from one person to another. We easily understand that it indicates a transfusion since one of the characters is filled with the color red, which symbolizes blood. The two characters are simplidied as much as possible so the logo isn’t burden with unnecessary details or distractions, moreover, this allows an anonymous association between possible donors or recipients.

The name of the Association in abbreviated form or in its complete form appears next to this representation. The chain illustrates the transfusion chain, therefore the APCSTQ as a whole.

The Association can receive amounts of money from other companies without any oblifation to promothe the sale of a product or amounts from non-profit groups or organizations. Any amount coming outside of the annual membership fee will be subject to approval by the board of administrators. For any income other than the annual membership fee, the Association will deduct 5% of any amount received equal to or less than $ 1,000 and 10% of any amount received greater than $ 1,000. These amounts will be added into the Association’s operating budget.

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