Association Professionnelle des Chargés de sécurité transfusionnelle (CST) du Québec
“Transfusion is our science. Safety is our art.”
Official representation of all Transfusion Safety Officers of Quebec.
- Represent and defend the interests of all members.
Promote the different roles of Transfusion Safety Officers.
- Standardize and follow the evolution of transfusion practice.
Indentify and organize activities corresponding with the members professional needs.
Promote continuing education of the members.
Facilitate the transmission of new knowledge and personal initiative both at a technical and clinical level with regard to safety and transfusion practice.
Plan and organize provincial meetings for Transfusion Safety Officers.
The APCSTQ itself or in collaboration with the Biovigilance and Medical Biology Service / Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) and other organizations plan training activities that meet the interests of transfusion safety officers who are members of the ‘Association.Information
Promote exchanges between technical and clinical officers.- LiaisonThe Association represents the official link between the Biovigilance and Medical Biology Service / MSSS and the CCNMT. It provides a link with other organizations such as the hemovigilance committee, the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), Héma-Québec and its own committee for users of blood banks, the Canadian Society of Medicine Transfusion (CSTM) or other similar institutions.
The Association participates in the creation of all committees or sub-committees in connection with the biovigilance and medical biology service / MSSS or any other institute.- Work relationship
The Association represents all members at the provincial level in the entire process of consultation and improvement of the working conditions of Transfusion Safety Officers.